About Sanford

I’m a business analyst. I help people when they switch computer systems. (Note #1) My specialty is local government software transitions, which I refer to as “projects.” I’ve been through dozens of local government software projects over 30 years: twenty as an ERP consultant then ten as a City IT Director.

This website advertises my time as a consultant - available by the hour or in larger blocks.

I like to write. Mostly about government IT projects https://blog.tectonicspeed.com/search/label/Government, sometimes about your digital life https://blog.tectonicspeed.com/search/label/Your%20Digital%20Life, and movies https://blog.tectonicspeed.com/search/label/Movies. (Note #2)

I use footnotes. (Note #3).

Here I am on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanford-hess/

This is my personal blog: https://blog.tectonicspeed.com/


Note #1: The rest of the website is written as third person as possible, but I’m the only employee. This page is first-person without restraint.

Note #2: As a City IT Director, writing blogs helped me draw lessons from the IT changes I experienced… sometimes as a bystander, but usually as the driving force.

Note #3: I do. My footnotes are my internal commentary on my writing; their voice sounds like me.